Hospital Management Information System (HMIS)

Hospital Management Information System | Patient Registration | OPD | Pharmacy | Clinic | Management System

Product description

“Efficiently manage patient records and streamline hospital operations within one Solution”

A Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) is a software designed to automate and manage Electronic Medical Records, Administrative, Inventory , financial and clinical tasks within one system. HMIS integrates data from all departments to ensure seamless communication and collaboration among the healthcare professionals. In this HMIS system, service components include patient registration, appointment scheduling & billing.


Key Features

--Easy Integration & Customization
--Support Paper Less Environment
--Integrate with ORACLE ERP
--Integrate with DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)
--Integrate with PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System)
--Integrate with Pathology Modules
--Support Mobile Alerts “SMS”
--Integrated with HRMS
--Integrated with Cafe
--Support Barcode


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