Buoy Spy

Buoy Spy | Safety | Incident Detection | Locating Vehicles | Intelligent Surveillance

Product description

An AI-base solution to observe activities inside the terminal area round the clock all seasons. Detecting and alerting for the people in the terminal area without Safety Helmets, Jackets, Masks, Gloves, etc. Detecting smoke or incident of a fire breakout. Identifying stray animals or littering. Detecting and counting vehicles in the terminal area. For timely actions to minimize losses, reducing the incidence of safety breaches. Our solution is one of the most amazing solution which has been developed on AI technology by using the deep learning and machine learning techniques.


Key Features

--Detects Workers W/O Helmets & Safety Jackets
--Identify Fire Breakouts
--Identify Water & Oil Spillage
--Identify Stray Animal
--Measure Traffic
--Locate containers
--Locate Vehicles
--Intelligent Surveillance


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