
Planet SCAN | GIS Technology | Satellite Imagery Analysis | Crop & Land Analysis | Business Analysis

Product description

An Al & Most Modern GIS Technologies based solution to analyze satellite imagery in unprecedented ways to derive various demographic and social metrics for a given location. Count objects & features, classify a city into different settlement types e.g. Apartment vs Villas vs Small Homes, Slums Vs Planned Settled areas, residential Vs Industrial. Analyze Agriculture Land and Crop, Analysis of Land utilization Parks Vs Sports Fields Vs Water Ways

Powerful Analysis to Optimize your business Reach & Access. Ideal for Town Planners, for infrastructure and utility services planning for a district or a real-estate project.


Key Features

--Find your right territory and place for best business location.
--Catchment Analysis (Customer Reach) -Analyze demographics and social media
--metrics through sattelite imagery. -Classify cities according to Vilas, Houses, Slums, Residential Vs Commercial etc.
--Analyze Land utilization like park, sport fields and water ways.
--Analyze Agricultural estimates and crop analysis.
--Powerful Business analysis tool


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